2025 Calendar Contest

It’s time to enter photos for the 2025 calendar contest. Time is short, please enter today!
Friends of Goose Pond 2025 Calendar Photo Contest
Highlighting Goose Pond FWA
A challenge to creativity and photo skill for photographers of all ages.
An opportunity for recognition in a calendar that will broaden awareness of the natural beauty and diversity of GPFWA.
- Entrants may be of any age provided the photo is their own work.
- Entrants may not be judges for this contest.
- Entry is open to amateur and professional photographers.
Entry Requirements
- Enter up to three photographs.
- All entries must be the original work of the entrant.
- If the photo contains identifiable individuals, you must provide their permission.
- Entries must be photos taken at Goose Pond FWA.
- Entries do not have to be from the current calendar year.
- Please do not re-enter winning photos from previous years.
- Deadline for submission is the end of the day on September 30.
- Email entries to mail@friendsofgoosepond.org
- Include the Following information in each email:
- Your Name (as you would like it printed in photo credits)
- Mailing address (Complimentary calendar sent to all winners.)
- Number of photos attached (LIMIT 3 photographs).
- Use this format for photo file name: susan.smith1.3, susan.smith2.3, susan.smith3.3
- Include photo description and suggested title.
Photo Technical Requirements
Photos must be:
- jpeg format
- Adequate resolution to print sharply on 8.5”X11”.
- Formatted for horizontal/landscape display.
- Maximum file size is 12 MB.
Judging Criteria
- A panel of Friends of Goose Pond members will judge the photos.
- Adequate photo quality (focus, resolution, appearance, aspect ratio)
- Good portrayal of aspects of Goose Pond FWA.
- Originality/creativity/beauty/diversity
- Is this photo appropriate for a certain month or season?
- From the list of all great photos, maximize the number of individual contributors.
Important Notes:
Receipt of your electronic entry with attached photo(s) is considered release and consent for Friends of Goose Pond to publish your photo(s) for calendar, public display, or other promotional purposes.
We will give no compensation for entry or selection.
Photographs used in the calendar will include the photographer’s name.
We will notify winners by email on or before October 31.
Suggestions for success
- Review photos on a large screen monitor to assess for adequate quality.
- Defective photos will receive low marks even with great subject matter.
- We usually receive a full slate of defect-free photos, so any poor focus or resolution issue will diminish odds of winning.
- Consider diverse and creative subject matter.
- Make sure the photo is in landscape rather than portrait format.
- Summer-season photos are usually in short supply. Entering one will increase your odds of winning.
- Heavily “Photoshopped” entries will receive low marks.
- Photos which depict poor wildlife photography ethics will receive low marks.
- Include the Following information in each email: