Help support our projects
Great Blue Heron Supporter
Sandhill Crane Benefactor
Whooping Crane Conservator
Roseate Spoonbill Patron
Great Egret Patron
Bald Eagle Patron
There are several options for donating to the FoGP. You may wish to support specific activities or make a donation to our endowment fund. Please print off the donation slip and mail along with your contribution; we want to be sure your donation is allocated according to your wishes. The Friends of Goose Pond is a not for profit charity and donations are tax deductible exclusive of goods provided.
Your contribution may be used for: Education activities: school field trips, hunter education and safety, community education events such as birding days and wildflower walks.
Stewardship activities: Invasive plant eradication, trail maintenance, trash clean-up Contributions categories have been established. Any monetary amount is appreciated.
Friends of Goose Pond Endowment: A lasting legacy to the Friends forever. Each year the interest dollars from the endowment will be awarded back to the Friends group to continue to carry forward our activities and events. The Greene County Foundation holds the endowed fund for the Friends of Goose Pond.
Those wishing to give a lasting legacy for the Friends of Goose Pond can make donations directly to the Foundation. Gifts to the Foundation of personal assets, land, stock, antiques etc can be converted and designated for the Friends of Goose Pond Endowment. There are many methods of donating to your desired cause which can also provide you with income for the remainder of your life. Talk with your legal or financial advisor to learn more about the best ways to address your desire to support the Friends of Goose Pond.
The Greene County Foundation was established in 1997 by the Lilly Endowment. The Greene County Foundation has assets of four million dollars and is overseen by a local board of directors with on-going professional development support and assistance from the Lilly Endowment. For more information
Donate to Friends of Goose Pond Please click the image below to donate via Paypal or Credit Card. If you would like to pay by check please send the following information along with your payment to:
Friends of Goose Pond
P.O. Box 56
Linton IN 47441
Friends of Goose Pond have initiated a membership program. Members will receive a window cling appropriate for attaching to your vehicle. Members will also receive quarterly electronic newsletter as well as timely electronic notification of happenings at Goose Pond.