Critter Corner

An inside look at some of the critters that inhabit Goose Pond FWA. Written by George Sly

February 2018
© All Critter Corner text is the property of George Sly. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to George Sly with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Critter Corner No. 28 – The American White Pelican by George Sly

By George Sly | September 23, 2024 |
American White Pelicans

Pelicans in Indiana? Surely not. Pelicans live near the ocean, don’t they? If you have visited Goose Pond FWA in the spring or fall, you more than likely know that yes, pelicans do indeed visit our state. But first, let’s clarify the story. In North America there are two endemic species of pelicans. One, the…

Critter Corner No. 27 – Dragonflies by George Sly

By George Sly | September 16, 2024 |

If asked to do so, we can often identify an ecosystem simply by seeing a photo of one of its iconic animal inhabitants. Example? A polar bear would surely bring thoughts of the tundra to mind. Seeing a Malayan tapir would just as assuredly elicit images of the steamy southeast Asian rainforest. Similarly, the American…

Critter Corner No. 26 – Leeches by George Sly

By George Sly | September 9, 2024 |

While birds may lay claim to the “star power” at Goose Pond FWA, let’s remind ourselves that there is a whole world of smaller animals, many of which lack a backbone, that are of major ecological importance there. Let us focus on one group of invertebrate animals which most people look at with fear, revulsion,…

Critter Corner No. 25 – The Spiny Softshell Turtle by George Sly

By George Sly | February 16, 2024 |

Previous Critter Corner episodes have discussed the common snapping turtle and red-eared slider.  Another interesting turtle species documented during the 2010 Biodiversity Survey at Goose Pond FWA is the eastern spiny softshell turtle. Softshell turtles are so-named because their carapace is covered by a thick, leathery skin rather than the large, keratinized scutes (scales) of…

Critter Corner No. 24: The American Carrion Beetle

By George Sly | October 10, 2020 |

A recent encounter with the carcass of a white-tailed deer (dead of unknown cause), has left me to ponder the world of the scavenging insects. Necrophila americana (shown above) is a good example. This particular beetle is 0.5 to 0.75 inches in size. It has a yellowish thorax with a dark center. The wings are…

23. The Prairie Vole (Microtus ochrogaster)

By George Sly | March 10, 2020 |

If I were to ask you to guess what the most abundant mammal inhabiting GPFWA is, you might first think of white-tailed deer. They seem to be abundant almost everywhere in Indiana. Perhaps the muskrat or the mink, a common predator-prey duo of the wetlands, would come to mind. All would be good conjectures. But,…

Critter Corner No. 22 – The Giant Water Bug

By George Sly | April 23, 2018 |

  With several thousand acres of shallow water, it should come as no surprise that Goose Pond FWA is home to an abundant, varied, and highly interesting assemblage of aquatic macroinvertebrates. The prefix macro- means big enough to see without a microscope and the suffix invertebrate refers to their lack of a backbone. Hidden from…

Critter Corner No. 21 – The Red Bat

By George Sly | December 19, 2017 |

Critter Corner No. 21 – The Red Bat by George Sly (photo courtesy So. Conn. St. Univ.) A recent presentation on bats to a group of Sullivan Elementary School second graders reminded me that this was a group which has, up until now, been totally neglected in my Critter Corner blogs. Time to remedy that…

Critter Corner No 20 – The Fowler’s Toad by George Sly

By George Sly | November 15, 2017 |

In previous blogs I have discussed some of the frogs to be found at Goose Pond FWA. During the 2010Biodiversity Survey conducted at GPFWA, eight species of anurans (frogs & toads) were found. In this edition of Critter Corner let’s learn a bit more about the only toad species found during the survey Bufo fowleri.…

Critter Corner No 19 – The Fox Squirrel By George Sly

By George Sly | July 4, 2017 |

Critter Corner No. 19 (photo by Judy Gallagher – Discussing the Fox Squirrel as a member of the GPFWA fauna may seem a bit surprising. After all, we normally associate the property with wetland and prairie habitats primarily. These are hardly the sorts of places one would expect to find an arboreal (tree dwelling)…