Our Work

Your membership and/or your donations to the Friends of Goose Pond allow us to carry out our mission of wildlife conservation, environmental education, and scientific research at Goose Pond.

Members and donors want to know the uses to which their money is being put and rightly so. Here are some of the ways you have helped our cause in the past.


  1. A field trip to GPFWA& Bear Run Mine for the Bloomington South HS Environmental Science class.
  2. Support of a Green County Purdue Extension Office Family Night Out at GPFWA.
  3. A whooping crane educational presentation to a group from the Carlisle Public Library.
  4. A tour of GPFWA for the Carlisle Public Library group.
  5. The Marsh Madness Sandhill Crane Festival in Linton & GPFWA.
  6. A pre-trip whooping crane educational presentation for the Hoosier Hillsides Master Gardeners.
  7. GPFWA field Trip for members of the Hoosier Hillsides Master Gardeners from Orange County.
  8. Participation in the Gateway to Outdoor Recreation event in Linton.
  9. Linton Freedom Festival parade float with Hope the Intl. Crane Foundation mascot.
  10. Spotting scope purchase for the GPFWA Visitor Center.
  11. A whooping crane presentation to Bloomfield Elem. 4th graders. (60 Students, 19 adults)
  12. Participation in the Intl. Crane Foundation Whooping Crane training workshop Sept. 26th
  13. Financial support of the DNR’s June Family Frog-gigging event at GPFWA.
  14. Financial support of the Indiana Audubon Society.
  15. Financial support of the Indiana Wildlife Federation.
  16. A donation to the Greene Co. Solid Waste Management District for removal of electronic items illegally dumped at GPFWA.
  17. In cooperation with the DFW, we conducted 1st Annual Big Sit birding event at GPFWA VC.
  18. A whooping crane educational presentation and field trip for OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) members to GPFWA.

Future Events

Sandhill Crane Viewing event at GPFWA

Sullivan Co. Master Naturalists field trip to GPFWA

A presentation about GPFWA to the Indiana Master Naturalists State Convention at Shakamak SP.